Sunday, September 21, 2014

Peace is broken. By Wesley


Night before last, a spell was broken in the tank.   There had been a long period of collegiality and good spirit in the tank for quite some time.  Given the fluid nature of jail, that is unusual.  There are about 10-14 people in here, including myself, who are more or less long term.  Waiting for something.  I'm waiting to sign papers so I can move to Harris County and do step 2 of the process.  I have been waiting 2 weeks to sign what has been agreed to.  The others are waiting for something or another.

But we all wait.

The second half are in and out.  A few days or one night, they come and they go.  I don't bother to talk to them unless they have been here more than a week.  Mostly because I'm isolated from all but a handful.

But for the last month, the short term and long term, black and non-black, young and old alike, everyone has gotten along.

We were all too lulled.  I heard several speak of it, the unusual camaraderie in the tank.  I'd said it myself a week or so ago.   My neighbor told me he was ready to "write himself out of here."  That means request a job (or anything) that would necessitate being moved because he felt a change coming.  I argued that it only takes one person- one person with a strong negative personality- to upset the balance.

That man hath cometh.

In a few short days he has started two fights.  In one fight, he totally annihilated a much smaller guy.  He yells and taunts people, (including me), all day and all night (said fight, above, occurred at about 3 am).  No one is happy, the illusion is gone.

Of course, it was always an illusion.  The frustration of being confined to a 1082 square feet for 24 men, 24 hours a day is bound to run over.  It is inevitable.  The negativity spreads too.  There have been twice daily fights, threats and squabbling.

I read my books, write my letters, and stay out of the way.  And I wait.

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