Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Being locked apart, by Lesa


I'm tired.  I have just worked thirteen hours. When I got off of work, I picked up my son so we can buy a few groceries, school supplies, and dog food. We got child support in, so the funds were available.  The rest goes to bills, and stupid phone service.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the privilege of having the overpriced calls.  What I don't appreciate is not being about to look at the account activity to make sure they are charging me correctly, they make mistakes often. I have complained about this before.  I spent 2 hours writing complaints to the FCC and BBB.  We will leave it at that.

Money is tight with only one income.  Time is tight, because now I have to take care of the house, cars, kids, well, only one, three big dogs, and two cats.  I try not to get resentful, usually I am not.  I know my husband never meant for any of this to happen.  He is normally a thoughtful, attentive husband.  His choice to drink has left us in a bind, and the financial cost is staggering.  We have two children in college who depend on me for 1/2 their support.  The pressure gets me down sometimes, but it is a waste of time and energy.  It is not going to change, nor help anyone.  I love my husband dearly, he is my best friend.  He made a mistake, and we don't even know what the fall out will be.  I will be strong and brave.  I will love him through it all.  I have made terrible mistakes in my life, and it is when I have deserved it the least, that love, somehow still got through.  I can only hope to continue to keep this attitude.  My faith gives me the strength, and Jesus's example of love and acceptance sets a high standard.  It is what keeps me facing forward.

When my husband and I are together, we enjoy every moment.  Whether it is doing nothing but being in our jammies, watching TV, camping in the mountains, or riding motorcycles through beautiful scenic Texas.  He and I get each other.  Even without saying much, we understand what makes the other one tick. We accept, unconditionally, each other, and help each other understand ourselves better.  I trust him completely.  I feel safe with him.  No one has ever made me feel that way.

If we keep our eyes on each other, I will pray that God helps me, I know that we will grow in love and be closer than ever. We will learn more about ourselves and each other.  For now, we are locked apart by geographic location, but he is forever in my heart and soul.  There, we are inseparable.

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