Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wesley's move. by Lesa

December  31, 2014

Visitation at the jail is Saturday's and Sundays, the time depends on your first initial of your last name. We are C, so our visitation on Saturday is in the morning, Sunday, in the afternoon. In addition, if you miss one, there is a make up day, Monday night. I usually work at least one weekend day, so I make up on Monday night, after work.

We were on the phone, it was Sunday.  We usually talk several times throughout the day, for a few minutes. Helps us to feel connected.  We were only on the phone for a couple of minutes, Wesley says, "Oh my God!" and hangs up.  I was freaked out, but a felt reasonably sure he was okay, but something had happened, and I knew he would call me back when he could.

He calls back and tells me that a big dude, "Blood",  was picking on a smaller dude, "David". "The Bloods" is a gang inside the jail. I will let Wesley explain later.   He was provoking him to fight, and David was getting beat. I asked how this was going on, there were guards there!! He said there is an area that the cameras and guards can not see. He said he tried to get the attention of the guard, watching from outside the room,  in a central area, called "the picket".  He was looking at his computer while David was getting beat.  Wesley said the "Blood" was slamming David's head on the ground, he was afraid he was going to kill him.  He knew the "Blood" had some respect for him and didn't think he would hurt him, so he got his attention, touched him, or something, and told him to stop, he was going to kill him.  He stopped, but still kept saying it wasn't over, he was going to beat him again.  Wesley knew the Blood would.

I couldn't do nothing.  This kid could be killed, shit like this happens all the time in jails.  I called and asked to talk to the Sargent.  I shared the information with him, anonymously, didn't want to give my husbands info., because I knew if the Blood's knew he said anything, they would retaliate.  I was scared for my husband, but I knew letting this kid be in danger was not an option. I told the Sargent what cell, and what information I knew.  I begged him to please, I knew he could trace the call, please not pull my husband out or make it obvious.

Later, when I went to visit, I was nervous as hell.  I didn't hear back from Wesley.  When I stepped up to the window to check in for visitation, I could see my husband, already standing on the other side.  He was holding a paper and looked at me and mouthed the words, "you got me in trouble".  OMG, I was freaking out.  The guard there said Wesley was getting moved, my stomach sank.  They decided to go ahead and let us have visitation, then move him.  It was then I got the rest of the story.

Wesley told me another guy had been pulled out and questioned about the incident.  When they brought that guy back, he said somebody had called about the fight. Then they pulled out Wesley.  He told the Sargent everything.  He then told him, he could not, NOT go back in there.  Everyone would know it was him. They asked him what they wanted to do, he said, "give me a job."  The Sargent asked him why didn't he have a job.  Wesley told him, he had been trying to get a job since he got there 3 months ago.  He had some back issues, so the medical people would not clear him to work. The Sargent called medical, go them to clear him, after signing a release, and he finally had a job.  When you have a job, you get moved to "the pods", a much better living arrangement.  Two birds, one stone.  Wesley went back and told everyone he got a job. Everyone assumed he was pulled for a work assignment. He actually had several people tell him they would miss him, but were happy for him. If the others found out where the info came from, even though it was me, he would be retaliated on, but for now, it got him a job, which makes the time go faster, and moved to a nicer place, which makes the time not at work, more bearable.  Wesley was happy at the outcome, but a little nervous about how it happened.  I apologized and swore I would never do it again, without checking it out with him.

"David", btw, was removed, as well as the "Blood", and at least one incidence of violence was stopped.  I am sure there are many more, but since then, it has been much better for my husband, and the kid "David", was not murdered or beat down again, mission accomplished.

In this incidence, the results came out great.  Had it been TDC, maybe not, shit like that follows you, and criminals and gangs are smart as hell, and they have ears and eyes everywhere.  I don't know that I would do it again, yes, I would, but I would talk through it with hubby first. If I hadn't done that, Wesley would have probably put himself in the middle, that might not have ended well.  I hate, HATE, that a middle aged, never been in trouble, EVER, never had anyone I knew been in any trouble, has to know all of this, be exposed to all of this, but, it is what it is.  I am adjusting, learning, and moving on.  I love my husband dearly, and his mistake in judgement and subsequent payment for his mistake, as appropriate, has put us both in situation we have never been in.  Having been an attorney, he knew of criminals from the outside.  Now, inside, it is a different story.  He says he would never work as a defense attorney again, after hearing the majority of criminals on the inside. Most are career criminals, a way of life.  There are plenty of exceptions, but they are few.  There are some who are trying to get out of the life, and there are ways to help them do that, but it is hard surrounded by those who do it frequently.  They all seem to know each other, have a network, of sorts.  Anyway, I am going off...I will save the rant for another blog.

Be careful, watch your loved ones in jail, and never act on the things you hear without getting advice on what to do from someone you trust and who knows the system.

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