Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"Jailhouse Ink". by Wesley


The second I get out of here, I am flying directly to LA, or Miami, or New York to pitch the most amazing reality show.  It will be "Miami Ink" meets "County Jail".  We will call it "Jailhouse Ink" or "Rorshach Tats" but the theme is simple.  It will follow the trials and tribulations of the jailhouse tattoo artist and will highlight their work.

Those pansies on the current crop of shows with their equipment and talent will pale in comparison.
The don't even have much to fear from Hepatitis A-D!

The diseases, the lack of equipment, the (illegality!), are all compelling, but once the show focuses on the work the show's star quality will shine.  Walking the cells, halls, and "yards" of any correctional facility will reveal tattoo work that is so colossally bad, so cringe inducing, you would think the tattoos were the punishment.

I see this guy regularly that has a faceful of tattoos.  He's about 19 or so, and looks hardened.  His tats look like a child drew them on his face with a pen.  There are chains and hearts and the occasional treble clef and musical note.  He has one that says, "Hug Life" upon first glance until you notice the misshapen "T" in the background.

I prefer "hug Life". Makes me think the kid has just gotten a raw deal; he's just misunderstood.  How could you lock up someone that invested in the "Hug Life"?

I will not even address the myriad swastikas, "SS" designations, and other symbology.  I wonder whether other dead genocidal maniacs are envious of the uushy (?), nostalgic treatment the 3rd Reich receives in American jails.  How come Joe Stalin doesn't have a crew running around with a Hammer and Sickle stamped on their chest?  Where are Pol Pot's boyz?

The "Aryan" iconography extends beyond the 3rd Reich.  Some have extended it to Northern European gods, gremlins and such.  One of my neighbors has what appears to be an Ewok with horns on his arm.  This not so fierce tattoo has sharp teeth and claws, but how scary is an Ewok?

It's probably not an Ewok, of course, but damn, it looks like one to a guy my age.

Quick question:  What's worse?
     a)Jar Jar Binks and all of his kind
     c)nothing is worse than A&B

This is just the beginning of the show I have planned.  Ordinary reality show drama will pale in comparison to the drama in here.  "Artists" being sent to segregation just for their art will add an element of Artistic suppression that will make this show a sure fire hit- and never mind the everyday beatings and shankings.

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