" Night is once again upon me and the lights have gone out. The guards are yelling at everyone to go to bed, and people generally ignore them and do as they please.
Shocking that we're all in jail, right?
The call to prayer has been given, 13 of the 24 men in this tank walk to the side and circle up to pray for each other and end with the Lord's prayer. It is an unusual gathering in my estimation.
One of the men in the group was arrested on Friday (3 days ago) for robbing 3 different people and places. Another one was making very tasteless jokes to me a couple of days ago about domestic violence. It wasn't until well into his routine that I realized he wasn't being ironic, he was making jokes about his wife's pleas to stop hitting her- true crime for which he is in the jail.
Nothing funnier than domestic violence! Except maybe polio.
When the door's close, the Christians come out.
Prayer is over and the incredibly long process of people actually quieting down and going to sleep has begun.
I am the luckiest person in here. On my left is a 64 year old man. He speaks a language somewhat related to English that almost no one in here understands. He is also a modern day Jack ? and will spontaneously start exercising in his sleep.
Yes, I'm serious.
On my right is a meth head who never sleeps. He also does not read, or lay down. So as I toss and turn on my concrete like mattress, I occasionally open my eyes when I turn onto my right side. When I do, he is sitting on his bed, 2 1/2 feet away, looking at me...or just staring off into space.
There is nothing creepy about that. "
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